Saints at a Home Meeting Enjoying a Hymn in Florida 佛州圣徒家聚会享受诗歌

Saints at a home meeting in Florida enjoyng the hymn “I want to be filled with the Triune God” (2014). – via
Christian Student Connection In Tallahassee

It is only when we are drunk with God that we are willing to subject ourselves to others. When we are sober, we are clear where others are wrong. We should not be sober in such a way, but we should be drunk with God in our spirit. We should be filled in our spirit with the Triune God. Instead of being filled with wrath, anger, or indignation, we should be filled with all that God is, filled even to the fullness of God. When our spirit is filled with the triune god who has been dispensed into us, we shall be drunken, not in our body, but in our spirit, not in our outward man, but in our inward man. This kind of drunkenness makes us soft, meek, flexible, and sympathetic. As a result, we are willing to subject ourselves to others. (The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity, Chapter 19)

“Being subject to one another in the fear of Christ” Ephesians 5:21
