2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Abbotsford, Canada and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员赴加拿大阿伯茨福德福音之旅及代祷负担

2017 FTTA Gospel Trips
Report and Prayer Burdens 23
February 13, 2017

Abbotsford, Canada
Praise the Lord for His move in Abbotsford!
The Lord is sovereign. Abbotsford was not equipped to handle the record-breaking snowfall, but He arranged for it to come, at this time, for a reason. We often found ourselves asking each other what to do, after activities had to be canceled, one after another. And tonight, at our overflow meeting in Surrey, one of our brothers asked us: what did He want us to do? He wanted us to STOP. He wanted us to pray. He wanted us to fellowship with Him and with one another. He wanted us to care for the growth in life in the worker, instead of just the work. Through these past two weeks, the Lord has reminded us that the building up of the Body is intrinsic. Although we might not have been able to outwardly do as much as we planned, the Lord was working Himself deeper into us. And in fact, some of our highlights have been the unscheduled prayer and fellowship we got to have with our hospitality, on the days we were snowed in. His ways are higher than our ways.
Last night, we had our long-awaited gospel meeting. Two were saved, and two were baptized! Sister J and her mother have been praying for the past 10 years for her father’s baptism, and last night their prayers were answered! Another contact, brother J, is a student from Brazil who met the saints through his homestay. After witnessing the two baptisms, he was moved to tears and prayed to receive the Lord. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! And thank you for your prayers, which carried us!
Please pray for:
· The precious saints in Abbotsford to continue living a GTCA life!
· The Lord to gain a lampstand in Abbotsford for the building up of His Body!

Source: http://beseeching.org/