Report on 2017 Gospel trip to Cincinnati, Ohio 二〇一七年俄亥俄州辛辛那提福音之旅报导

Report on the Gospel trip to Cincinnati, Ohio, February 9, 2017

Praise the Lord for the Wright State University! We set up one BFA table and one Christian on Campus club table at Wright State University again this Tuesday. Within three hours, we gave out 89 bibles and nine new students signed up for the club. The local saints are very encouraged with such a positive response. Please pray that the local saints’ capacity will be enlarged and that all the ones who just received the free Bible will be shepherd through the local saints in Fairborn.

On Wednesday, we split our team into three small sub-teams, each joining one Bible Study at Ohio State University, Wright State University and University of Cincinnati. Although only two new ones came to the Bible Study at Ohio State University, one of them prayed and received the Lord! Please pray that the Lord will continue to gain more local students through this new Bible Study on Wednesday evening.

Last night, we had a sweet time of eating and fellowship with the saints in Cincinnati. Although everyone is a bit tired after travelling for two weeks, we’re being reminded again and again that the most important thing is to just enjoy Christ! Please pray that we will have much enjoyment and blending with the local saints here at Cincinnati, that we will all dwell with the Lord for His work.

Prayer burden:
• All the ones who just received the free Bible will be shepherd through the local saints in Fairborn
• More local students will be gained through the new Bible Study on Wednesday evening at Ohio State University
• There will be much blending and enjoyment of Christ with the saints in Cincinnati
