2017 Gospel Trip to Lethbridge, AB in Canada | GTCA Report 二〇一七年加拿大阿尔伯塔省莱斯布里奇福音之旅 | “福音化、真理化、召会化北美”报道

Canada, Lethbridge, AB—2017 GTCA Gospel Trip, Days 9-10

Thank you so much for praying for us! We had the glorious first Lord’s Table in Lethbridge on 2/5/17. It was full of enjoyment and praises to the Lord. There were about 100 saints total including saints visiting from Calgary, AB, Edmonton, AB, and Regina, SK. All of the saints were very joyful for the first Lord’s Table after a number of years of fellowship and prayers. In the prophesying meeting, there was a rich overflow of life and many saints felt encouraged to freely share their enjoyment of Christ. Several saints who had never prophesied in a meeting before also shared their portion with “a little power” (Rev 3:8).

The next day, we had several appointments with new contacts. Some local saints and students were able to join us. Two of the new contacts joined a college meeting and got connected with the local college students in Lethbridge. There were also neighborhood children’s meetings and home meetings with new ones at two homes. We all enjoyed spending time together with much singing and fellowshipping.

Prayer Burdens:
– Local saints to continue to enjoy the Lord day by day and house to house for the normal growth in life after the first Lord’s table
– Continue to have follow-up appointments with new contacts and connect them with local saints and companionize them with local college students- Inoculate the new contacts and our own young people and college students#church
– Inoculate the new contacts and our own young people and college students

source: gtca.us