2017 Gospel Trips to Medford, Oregon and Yakima, Washington | GTCA Report 二〇一七年俄勒冈州梅德福和华盛顿州亚基马福音之旅 | “福音化、真理化、召会化北美”报道

Medford, Oregon and Yakima, Washington — 2017 Gospel Trip Report, Days 6-8


February 5, 2017
On last Friday (Feb. 3), we went to Crescent city and spent a day to blend with the local saints. After the love feast, we had some precious time to sing and fellowship with the saints.

On Saturday (Feb. 4) we drove all the way from Medford to Yakima, Washington. On Lord’s Day morning, we participated in a Spanish radio broadcast program with the local saints, and we spoke the good news to the whole Yakima valley. As a team, we mainly used the verse Matt. 4:4 and many personal experiences to show how to enjoy the word of God. We had the experience of bearing the one burden and speaking in one mouth for God. We concluded the radio program by singing the song, “I Am the Living Bread”.

Immediately after the radio broadcast, we drove to the city of Prosser for the Lord’s Day blending meeting. The saints from Prosser, Yakima and West Richland come together to blend on the first Lord’s Day of each month. We were so encouraged and supplied by many saints who were filled in Spirit and spoke in boldness for the Lord during the prophesying meeting.

In the evening, we had a blending with the local saints in Yakima. There were four families and several new ones joining us. One young brother stood up and testified that he was saved for about a year and that he very much appreciated the shepherding from the saints. Tomorrow, we will start to preach the gospel at Yakima Valley Community College and the nearby neighborhoods.

Prayer Burdens:
– Please pray for the blending and building between the English and Spanish speaking saints. May that the Lord gain the genuine oneness among the saints.
– Please pray for the gospel preaching on the campus and the neighborhoods. Especially, please pray for the gospel meeting on the coming Saturday at the Yakima Convention Center.

source: gtca.us