二〇一七年金边国际相调特会 2017 International Blending Conference in Phnom Penh



本次特会共有6篇信息,每堂信息的开头,弟兄都会一再向大家强调主今日行动方向的三个重点:1. 建造基督生机的身体;2. 预备新妇;3.带进神的国,使与会的都能讲说这三个点。信息中提到,我们的神是行动的三一神,而主在每一地都该有祂的行动。但是当我们有分其行动时,都该认识主今日行动的方向。若是我们只是满有活力的行动,却不知其方向,我们所做的就毫无意义,这就像一部好车,加满了油,满有能力,却走错了方向,至终也不能到达目的地。所以,这次特会的信息就是叫我们认识我们现今行动的正确方向。在基督生机身体内在的建造上,我们需要作宇宙的基督徒,有基督宇宙身体的宇宙观。身体乃是召会内在的意义:没有身体,召会就毫无意义,我们应该更多看中召会奥秘的一面,不只是看物质的一面,而活在神圣奥秘的范围里。我们今日所做的该是为着新妇的预备,作“新妇”,最大的特点就是“爱”,“你要全心、全魂并全心思,爱主你的神”(太22:37),这说出爱主并不只有情感上满了感觉的爱,也该“全心思”的爱主,要从新婚夫妇那种情感的爱拔高到丈夫妻子之间相识甚久,心思被占满的爱。弟兄也问我们说,基督在我们的经历中有多少的书写?我们能写出多少论到王的作品?所罗门的雅歌有八章,而我们人个对主的雅歌能写到第几章?我们要带进神的国,就必须认识国度就是“那撒种的出去撒种”(太13:3),让基督这国度的种子在我们里面长大。我们可能会消极的去开阴间的门,但我们应该运用否认己、背起十字架、丧失魂生命这三把钥匙关上阴间的门,为着召会的建造,以带进神的国。


2017 International Blending Conference in Phnom Penh

2016 International Blending Conference in Phnom Penh was held on 20th to 22nd January. A total of 450 saints attended the conference. Besides 360 attending saints from Cambodia, there were 90 overseas saints from Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, New Zealand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, etc. Saints from different localities met together for the blending of the Body, to gain the riches of Christ and encouragement of the Body. In this conference we enjoyed messages concerning the Direction of the Lord`s Move Today from 2016 Thanksgiving weekend conference.

This conference had six messages. In the beginning of every message, brothers always emphasized three crucial points of the direction of the Lord`s move today which are building up the organic Body of Christ, to prepare the bride and to bring in the kingdom of God. Brothers also tried to make all the saints can speak these three crucial points. The messages mentioned our God is moving God, He should have His move in every country. When we want participate His move, we should know the direction of the Lord`s move today. If we move with full of vitality but didn’t know the direction, it means what we do is meaningless. It is just like a nice car full of fuel and power but go in the wrong direction, it can`t arrive at the destination. This is why we need to know the right direction of the present move through this conference. In order to build up the organic Body of Christ, we need to be universal Christians with a universal view of the universal Body of Christ. The Body is the intrinsic significance of the church; without the Body, the church makes no sense and has no meaning. We need to focus on mystical aspect of church, not only care for physical aspect. We need to live in the divine mystical realm. What we do today is for the readiness of the bride. The biggest characteristic of bride is Love. Matthew 22:37 said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This verse tells us we not only love the Lord with our emotion and with full of feeling, but also love the Lord with all our mind. Our love to the Lord need to be uplifted from the love of newlyweds with full of feeling to the love between husband and wife who know each other for a long time. Brother also asks us, how much are we scripted by Christ in our experience? How much can we speak what we have composed concerning the King?Song of songs written by Solomon has eight chapters, how many chapters of Song of songs can be written by ourselves? To bring in the kingdom of God, we must know kingdom is “the sower went out to sow.” (Matt 13:3), to allow Christ as the seed of kingdom grow up within us. Sometimes we open the gates of Hades because of speaking something negative, but we should exercise three keys of denying the self and taking up the cross and losing the soul-life to shut up the gates of Hades, for building up of church, to bring in the kingdom of God.
Besides the enjoyment of messages, there is a session for blending on the evening 21st. Brothers from Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand and New Zealand each shared about the Lord`s move among their local churches to encourage each other. We also had presentation concerning Lord`s move in Cambodia in the past year and hymn singing exhibition by families of serving ones in Cambodia.

During this conference, one group of young people participate each service actively, in all kind of service we can saw that many high school students and college students served in coordination. They made the whole conference be in order. There was a beautiful picture of building among their serving. May the Lord bless His churches in Cambodia, does something new in new year.