Saints from Taiwan Visiting the Saints in India 台湾圣徒访问印度圣徒

Saints from Taiwan visiting the saints in India. – via 尹炳業

John 3:6 says, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh”—that is something of Adam. However, “That which is born of the Spirit is spirit”—this is something of Christ. In the spirit we are a part of Christ, because in the spirit we have been regenerated by Christ and with Christ. Christ was the one grain, and all who have been regenerated of the Spirit have become the many grains of Christ. There are two potential conditions existing in every Christian: in the flesh we have the potential of being the members of Adam, while in the spirit we have the potential of being the members of Christ. In the flesh we live by Adam, but in the spirit we can live by Christ. (The Vision of God’s Building, Chapter 14)
