2017 FTTA Gospel Trip to Milan, Italy and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员意大利米兰福音之旅及代祷负担

(25) Milan, Italy – 2017 FTTA Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens

Hallelujah for the Lord’s operation in Italy!
The days have been flying by here in Milan, but we’ve been enjoying the normal church life here. Yesterday, we set up a table at Polytechnico Universita di Milan, distributing bibles and gospel tracts. Our main objective was to invite students to the gospel seminar that we would be having in the homes later that evening. We discovered that on our time on the gospel, it was much more effective reaching students by approaching them in pairs personally. Students were much warmer when we approached them this way, and the majority of the time, they were open to our speaking.

At the gospel seminar, one student came (the brother we mentioned in the last email). During the time, we sang and enjoyed the Lord. Then, we broke up into small groups and read through the Mystery of Human Life tract in Italian. We then spent some time to share our enjoyment. It was encouraging to see the new one share regarding the importance on how man was created with three parts, and how man is meant to contain God. When we walked our brother home to his dorm, we were able to pray with and for him. We are hoping to meet with this brother this upcoming Lord’s Day.

Today (Saturday), we traveled to Torino which is a large city about two hours west of Milan. Once we arrived, we set up a table near Politechnico Universita di Turin. Afterwards, we returned to the meeting hall to attend the YP meeting. We sang, and the trainees got to answer some questions about the Full-Time Training and share our experiences. I believe that the Lord covered the speaking and the YP were encouraged.

~Team Milan Prayer Burden:
- Our gospel seminar tomorrow evening with some contacts that the saints in Torino have met at past year book fairs. Pray for the Lord’s leading and guidance in our coordination and that many seeking ones would come to the seminar.
- The saints are burdened for a young full-time serving couple would move to Milan to assist with the care of the university students.
