2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Netherlands and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员荷兰福音之旅及代祷负担

(21) The Netherlands- 2017 FTTA Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens
We have begun distributing Bibles! Yesterday, January 23rd, we distributed in the city of Leiden by a busy train station that was also near a university and a hospital. We passed out 20 Bibles, and 11 of these recipients asked for further contact. It was encouraging that we had lengthy conversations with many of the ones who received Bibles, some of whom were university students.
Today, January 24th, we made our way from Ter Aar to Delft. After some coordination time and some rest, we went to
the central square of Delft, where we passed out 14 Bibles. There were 5 recipients who asked for further contact. In the evening, we had dinner with about 18 of the saints in Delft. We sang and had a sweet time of sharing from the trainees about our time in the training as well as our distribution so far. We’ve all been feeling cold, but we have felt that it really is such a privilege to be here in the Netherlands with the saints, and a privilege to distribute Bibles with them!
Please pray:
• that there would continue to be open and seeking ones in the upcoming distributions of the week
• that the recipients so far would be able to get into the Word
• for the trainees’ health, as some trainees have been getting sick in the cold
source: http://beseeching.org