Brothers CSUN Sharing Their Enjoyment from the Book “A Life of Preaching the High Gospel” 加州州立大学北岭分校弟兄们分享他们对“传扬高品福音的生活”一书的享受

Brothers sharing their enjoyment from the book “A Life of Preaching the High Gospel”

In the ancient times, people spoke with pride of their belonging to a royal family. But do you know that today we belong to a family that is even higher than any so-called royal family? We belong to the divine family. We are such wonderful persons, the VIPs on this earth. Jesus is not only our Savior but also a divine man, a God-man. He is the very God incarnated to be one with man. Today we have Jesus in us. He is mingled and blended with us, and we are a part of Him. This makes us VIPs in this universe.

What is mortal man, that You remember him,”And the son of man, that You visit him?” You have made Him a little lower than angels”And have crowned Him with glory and honor.” For You have caused Him to rule over the works of Your hands;”You have put all things under His feet:” Pslam 8:4-6

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