2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Bulgaria and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员保加利亚福音之旅及代祷负担

(15) Greece/Bulgaria – 2017 FTTA Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens

Greece/Bulgaria 1/21/17- 1/23/17
Activities and highlights:
Praise the Lord for His testimony in Sofia, Bulgaria! On the 21st we were greeted by the saints and taken to a home where we feasted on the Lord together with the saints and had the greatest joy! Yesterday the church in Sofia met together for a glorious table meeting and prophesying meeting where Christ was exhibited through all the saints. Today we went out to the campus in Sofia where 14 were contacted and 2 were saved! In Bulgaria we can testify that there is a strong dissatisfaction with religion among the young people and a seeking for something that is real. The Lord is moving as the wheel in Bulgaria.

Prayer Burdens:
– The Lord to gain more young people as the continuation of His testimony in Bulgaria.
– The Lord to raise up a core group who would serve the Lord in Bulgaria. Pray for a young couple from Bulgaria who is currently entering the 4th term in the FTTL who intends to return to Bulgaria as well as a young person who is a recent graduate of the FTTL.
– The saints in Bulgaria are enjoying the ministry but are in need of many more who would be burdened and capable to translate much more of the ministry of the age into Bulgarian. Along with this there is a great need for divine traffic in the blending of the Body in the Balkans and more opportunities for the local saints to be perfected in more perfecting trainings.
– Lastly please pray for local Bulgarians to be gained for the reality of the one new man in Bulgaria


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