2017 FTTA Gospel Trip to Strasbourg, France and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员法国斯特拉斯堡福音之旅及代祷负担

Our time in Strasbourg is flying by!
Prayer burdens:
The saints in Strasbourg will be having a gospel dinner/meeting on Wednesday 1/24 at 6pm. We have been inviting the contacts during our bible distributions. The current saints and contacts have also been invited. Please pray that the Lord would bring these contacts tomorrow and that the current saints would all rise in their function to follow-up and care for these newer ones.
 Please continue to pray for the bible distributions on campus happening tomorrow (1/25) and Thursday (1/26).
 Please continue to pray for there to be more solid households in Strasbourg so there would be a strong testimony for a Lord’s table.
Day’s Activities:
We read chapter 2 of “The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building Up of the Church” in our coordination time this morning (1/24). We had read chapter 1 in coordination the day before. After lunch, we went by the engineering entrance of the University of Strasbourg for bible and gospel tract distribution for about two hours. Afterwards, we had some time to catch up on our personal bible reading and followed up with our contacts from the distribution yesterday and today. We then joined the saints for dinner and the prayer meeting.
Day’s Highlights:
How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the news of good things! Yesterday, we visited some dear saints in a city nearby who attended their first Lord’s Day meeting in Strasbourg. Please pray for these saints recovery back into the church life.
Yesterday, we also began our bible distributions at the University of Strasbourg. Despite the weather, the Lord has definitely prepared some! 107 tracts were passed out. 16 bibles were distributed, and we were able to speak for a length of time with 31 people.

report source: beseeching.org