(10) UK Midlands/ Northern England – 2017 FTTA Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens
UK Midlands
Five of us in the UK Midlands team are going to three cities: Nottingham, Birmingham, and Coventry. We first arrived in Nottingham on Saturday (January 21). The following day, we had a wonderful Lord’s table meeting and prophesying meeting with the church in Nottingham. The local saints along with some saints from Birmingham, Coventry, London, and Cambridge enjoyed the Lord together at a community center being used as a meeting hall in Nottingham. After having a love feast, we joined 11 saints in distributing Bibles at St. Peter’s Square. About 20 New Testament Recovery Version along with The Basic Elements of Christian Life were handed out, and a few were interested for further contact. There were also a few seeking ones who approached us and asked us to pray for them.
Our team will be leaving for Birmingham tomorrow (January 23) as our next gospel destination.
Please pray:
• For follow-up with those who have received the Bible and wanted further contact.�• For the openness of the local British that Christ would be manifested to them as reality.
UK Midlands
Dear saints,
On Monday morning, we had morning revival with some of the local saints in Nottingham, before we went to see Nottingham castle. They shared with us their testimonies and really impressed us with their burden for the Lord’s move there in the UK. Many of the saints had gone through a lot to remain in the UK. Even if their jobs were difficult, or even outwardly unmatched with their educational background, they were simply willing and open to follow the Lord’s leading.
On Monday night, we traveled to Birmingham and had a prayer/coordination time with the saints in the evening. Tuesday, we had truth pursuit in the morning and went out to distribute Bibles across the street from the University of Birmingham. We distributed two boxes of Bibles in about an hour and got contact information for almost thirty students. Many students were quite open and very interested in knowing more about the Bible, some were saved and some were not, but several read through some footnotes with us.
Prayer Burdens:
– For the church in Nottingham, pray that the Lord would cover them against the attacks of the enemy. That the saints would be motivated and encouraged to pursue the Lord, and stand strong in the church life.
Northern England
We arrived in Manchester yesterday (1/21) and met with the saints and recent contacts for dinner and singing. Following a sweet Lord’s table this morning, we gathered for leaflet distribution in a nearby neighborhood inviting them to a Bible study seminar that will take place this Sunday, January 29th in Sheffield. The burden is to gain more local saints and to provide the people of Manchester with the opportunity to touch this ministry. We distributed 500 invitations.
Please pray for a positive response to the seminar invitation and for the continued labor to gain locals.
source: beseeching.org
picture: publicdomainpictures