Sisters from Ozamiz, Philippines Enjoying the Lord by Singing 菲律宾奥三棉示姊妹们借唱诗享受主

I treasure every moments that I spend with You
Cause You alone can satisfy me
Lord I love You,I really do
I really cannot live without You

Loving The Lord is a strength of the sisters. Mary loved the Lord, saw the empty tomb, but was not satisfied. She wanted to see the Lord. The tomb was empty, and it was obvious that the Lord had resurrected. The disciples should have celebrated and rejoiced. But Mary loved the Lord so much that it was painful for her to not be able to find the Lord. It was as if she would rather have seen the Lord’s dead body than know that He had resurrected. Because she yearned to see the Lord, she stood outside at the tomb and wept (v. 11). Her action seems to be very foolish, but it indicates that she was truly attracted by the Lord’s love. (The Purpose of God’s Salvation, Chapter 10)

“But Mary stood outside at the tomb weeping. Then as she wept, she stooped to look into the tomb.” John 20:11
