Local Saints with FTTA Trainees Singing and Preaching the Gospel at La Place Bellecour in Lyon, France 法国里昂当地圣徒与安那翰全训学员在白莱果广场一起唱诗传福音

Local saints together with FTTA trainees singing and preaching the gospel at La Place Bellecour, in Lyon, France. (La Place Bellecour is a large square in the centre of Lyon, France. It is one of the largest open squares (i.e. without any patches of greenery or trees) in Europe, and the third biggest square in France. source: wiki) -via Chrétiens aux Campus à Lyon

“But we had to be merry and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life, and he was lost and has been found.” Luke 15:32

I’m so happy here,
With my Father dear,
Once lost, now I’m near again!
(It was) First His smiling face,
Then His warm embrace,
I’m surprised by grace again!
I was lost, now I’m found again!
I was dead, but now I live!
Come rejoice with us, and be merry then.
Back in my Father’s house again!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/?fref=ts