Report on 2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Strasbourg, France 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员法国斯特拉斯堡福音之旅报道

Strasbourg/Bordeaux, France

Greetings from Strasbourg! We arrived Saturday afternoon (1/21) and were immediately welcomed by the precious saints here. It has been such a sweet time of fellowship and rejoicing in the Lord!

After a sweet blending time with the saints on Lord’s Day (1/22), a brother took us on a city tour to visit Gutenberg Place and Petite France. We also went on a boat ride around that area to see the EU Parliament. We have found our home in Strasbourg and that meeting with the saints is the greatest joy on earth! Twenty-three saints gathered this Lord’s Day morning (1/22) to sing hymns of praise and thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus and to worship our Father God. There were many different languages spoken during the time (Italian, German, French, English, Chinese, Armenian); however, there was a deep realization that actually we all just had and cared for Christ and this One was all and in all! Afterwards, we had a sweet time of introductions, testimonies, prophesying and a love feast. During the love feast, we got to know the lives of the saints in a more personal way. We all felt like the Lord has already begun to inscribe the saints here in Strasbourg on each of our hearts. The time here both with the saints and in the city has infused us with a burden for all the ones the Lord is seeking in Strasbourg. May He gain what He is after during this time!

Prayer burdens:

  • The saints here are so burdened that there would be more solid households in Strasbourg so there would be a strong testimony for a Lord’s table. Please join us in prayer for this!
  • University of Strasbourg is the only university in this city with nearly 48,000 students. In the next 4 days (Mon. 1/23 – Thurs. 1/26), we will be on the campus distributing bibles and speaking to the students. Please pray that seeds would be sown.
  • The Lord would perfect the saints already meeting to rise up and function for the following-up and shepherding of the newer ones.
