Report on the Winter School of Truth in Holguin, Cuba 古巴奥尔金寒假真理学校报道

Holguin, Cuba – Report on the Winter School of Truth

Dear brothers, grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, we rejoice once again in giving you good news of the Lord’s move in Cuba.

Between the days 25 to 29 of December was developing in the island the Truth School of Winter, in this occasion they were released 11 messages that are part of the Book of Lessons, level 4: Life – Knowing and Experiencing Life, each of the lessons was examined with oral questions, in this way young people were constituted with divine truths, the experiences described in the answers to the questions were gratifying, in addition some games were made between the team of the sisters (called “Las Primicias”) and the team of the brothers (called “Sion”) who encouraged the learning of biblical verses related to each of the lessons presented. On the last day a time was set aside for the preaching of the gospel. On the way back, the testimonies of the young people were very edifying and they were very animated and filled with the flow of life because several people were saved through their preaching. At this time 6 baptisms were made by the same young people who were participants and at the same time servants in the study groups.

We consider that once again the Lord has given us an excellent time, with an even higher atmosphere than the previous ones, the levels of discipline, communion and rapport has reached a higher degree among all participants.

Once again we thank the whole Body for its prayers and offerings of love.

All glory and honor be our Beloved Lord forever and ever.

In Christ, his brothers in Cuba.

source: Las Iglesias Locales en Cuba, Iglesia en Holguín

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