Saints Enjoying the Sweet Church Life in Strasbourg, France 法国斯特拉斯堡圣徒享受甜美的召会生活

Saints enjoying the sweet church life in Strasbourg, France. – via 汪婉芬

“Now thanks be unto God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: to the one we are the savor of death unto death; and to the other the savor of life unto life” (2 Cor. 2:14-16).

The indwelling Christ is working within all the brothers and sisters within the church. If we did not have the indwelling Christ, we would all go our own way. We love all the brothers and sisters because Jesus is living and working within them. In the church life every member is so precious, and we do love one another. It is not that we are so lovable; it is because of the treasure indwelling us. Of course, we are human, and some times we do have problems with one another. But how good it is when we turn back to the indwelling Jesus. Then we say, “Brother, forgive me, I was wrong. Let’s turn to the Lord together.” And when we touch the Lord together, everyone becomes so lovable. It is not what we are; it is the sweet Jesus that indwells us.

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