Lord’s Move to Asia Update – The First Lord’s Table Meeting in L City 主在亚洲的行动简报—L市首次擘饼聚会

Lord’s Move to Asia Update – The First Lord’s Table in L City

In June, 2015, with two couples migrating to L city, the Lord started His work there. The propagation here is a battle, the focus of which is the establishment of the Lord’s testimony. The enemy has been frustrating us from this. Every time when we tried to open our house for meetings, it aroused the attack of the enemy. We had been forced to move four times within around one year. But we proclaimed that no matter what happens, the Lord is the victor.


Thank the Lord that on October 30, 2016, the church started the first Lord’s table. There were sixty-five saints who witnessed this first Lord’s table meeting, including many saints from other localities. In the beginning of the meeting, a brother released the truth on the church. The church is the unique Body of Christ without special names, constituting of all the saints and appearing in every city to be the local church in that city. Another brother fellowshipped on the significance and importance of the Lord’s table. Then a brother gave a supplemental and strengthening word. The atmosphere of the meeting was very lively. The inward joy overflowed on the face of every saint. While singing the hymns, we took the bread and drank the cup, remembering our Lord by eating and drinking. After the bread breaking, saints from other localities also actively shared and gave their testimonies, strengthening the meeting. The meeting ended with fellowship and a love feast. Everyone enjoyed the blending and no one wanted to leave.

As the Lord started His work in L city, He will surely strengthen His church with all the saints and grant more materials for the building up of the church. In August, altogether seven saints joined the One Month Training. With the help of the training, the local saints started to pick up the burden to pray and preach the gospel every Friday. We believe that through the functioning of the local saints, the Lord will richly bless His testimony here.

May His name be sanctified in this land. May God’s people be further released from the bondage of religion and return to the proper place of worship. May the Lord gain more to be absolute to Him to be the channels for His move and hasten His coming.

source: Lord’s Move To Asia

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