新北市召会淡大学生活力唱诗 Tamkang University Students’ Vital Singing in the Church of New Taipei City


今天小編要帶大家唱一首English hymn
The church is the building up
唱熟之後,還可以三重唱(可以1, 2節,2, 3節,1,3節同時唱)喔~
來聽聽真理社同學們 今天中午讀經小組 美麗的歌聲吧


The church is the building up

這週真理社的主題是✨「詩歌」✨今天小編要帶大家唱一首English hymnThe church is the building up這是一首小編很喜歡的一首詩歌,唱起來很有活力唱熟之後,還可以三重唱(可以1, 2節,2, 3節,1,3節同時唱)喔~來聽聽真理社同學們 今天中午讀經小組 美麗的歌聲吧 英文歌詞:1The church is the building upOf all God’s chosen and redeemed,Regenerated and transformed people,The ultimate work of God,His counterpart, the new man,The seven golden lampstands,God’s house on earth,The Body of Christ,The desire of God’s heart.2Praise the Lord! Philadelphia:They hold fast to God’s Word,Never denying His name,Living in the local church,Fellowshipping universallyOn the ground of genuine oneness,Constituting the Body of Christ.3Rise up! Grow in life!Minister Christ to the nations,Arrive at oneness—Lord, have mercy,We would see Your eternal purpose.Keep us faithfulTo recover and build up Your church.中文歌詞:建造召會的組成,是神所揀選,並所救贖,經過重生且變化過的人。神心頭終極工作,祂的對偶與新人, 七盞金燈臺站立,神的居所基督的身體,召會;神心頭深處的喜悅。讚美主!非拉鐵非,他們持守神的話,從未否認祂的名。活在地方召會中,卻與宇宙身體有交通, 在獨一的立場之上,一同建造基督的身體。起來!生命長大!將基督供應到萬邦,主求你施憐憫, 開我心眼,我們將見你永遠定旨! 使我忠信,恢復並建造你的召會。

Posted by 淡大真理社 on Tuesday, December 13, 2016