Report on 2016 Blending Conference of the Church in Hong Kong 二〇一六年香港召会相调大会报道

2016 Blending Conference of the Church in Hong Kong was held on 11 December. This was the whole church blending in one venue since the last one in 2005. Praise the Lord for such a glorious meeting having 1964 saints and 164 children attended!

The Lord’s table meeting was followed by the exhibitions of the Hong Kong FTT trainees and Middle Age trainees, young working saints, college saints, young people and children. Not only encouraged by the exhibitions, the saints were also strengthened by the words of the brothers. There was also a report of the Lord’s move to Asia to enlarge the saints’ vision of the Lord’s present move on earth.

The brother concluded the burden of the whole church for the coming year as follows,
1. Having power in prayers
2. Having vitality in gospel preaching
3. Having dynamic in group meetings
4. Having attraction in church life

May the Church in Hong Kong advance in 2017.





1. 禱告有能力
2. 福音有活力
3. 小排有動力
4. 召會生活有吸引力

