2016 Latest Report concerning Literature Work in Nepal 二〇一六年尼泊尔文字工作最新报道

2016 latest report concerning literature work in Nepal

For the earth will be filled  / With the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah /As water covers the sea.—Habakkuk 2:14

Praise the Lord for His move in Nepal. According to the statistics of some Christianity, the increasing of the number of Christians in Nepal is one of the fastest in the world. Many people are seeking the truth and the true God.

Considering the habit of the young people’s life here, we have the burden to start the Facebook page to preach the truth to more and more young people who use the Facebook with the smartphone.After prayer and fellowship, we opened the facebook page–1000 crucial Bible verses for the seeking believers. Everyday, we will post one Bible verse on this page in Nepali language. Thank the Lord, through our cooperation with Him, nowadays, that more and more people begin to pay attention to this page. Everyday more than 300 likes are given to each post. We hope in the future, more Nepali people can believe into the Lord by knowing the truth.( Search Bibletruth1000verses to visit our page in facebook.)

Not only we doing the Nepali literature work here, but also we have some brothers and sisters are focusing on literature work for the testimony of Lord in Chinese speaking world.

Brother Witness Lee was faithful to serve the Lord for his whole life and brought in a great recovery in truth and life. But due to the attack of Satan, many rumors concerning brother Witness Lee are spread through Internet that many seeking ones in Chinese-speaking world cannot receive this precious ministry properly. Therefore through the fellowship in the body, we picked up the burden to labor on “Witness Lee’s hymns” to help all the seeking ones to know this ministry in a proper way.

We spread Witness Lee’s hymns mainly through website( http://hymn.theblendingofthebody.org/ ) and facebook page. First, we spend time in studying every hymn written by brother Witness Lee, and opened the rich truth contained in the hymns by the word from recovery version of Bible including the footnotes and ministry books written by brother Witness Lee. Then post them in the website( http://hymn.theblendingofthebody.org/ ) regularly. Second, we make a nice picture with some word from each hymn and post it on the facebook page together with the corresponding content from the website. Third, we share it to some facebook groups and some friends’ timeline once two days.

Thank the Lord for His blessing, through our laboring in Him only for few months, our messages in the website and facebook page have reached thousands of people in Chinese-speaking world. And the ranking of our website among all the kinds of websites has improved a lot compared with beginning. However, we still look forward to further blessing from our dearest Lord in the coming days.

Pray for the literature work in Nepal on:

  1. Pray for the gospel preaching in Nepal so that more people can be gained by the Lord and enter into the church life.
  2. Pray for the literature work for Nepali speaking and Chinese speaking world, may the Lord open the way for His recovery in these two realm that more seeking ones could follow this unique ministry.

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