Saints Reading “The Orthodoxy of the Church” in Cherelus, Arad County, Romania 罗马尼亚阿拉德县圣徒阅读《教会的正统》

Ephesians 2:21-22 says, “In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.” Have you seen this? The special feature of the church is that your body is the dwelling place of God. Individually speaking, every one of us is the temple of God. Corporately speaking, God builds us up and fits us together to become His dwelling place. There is no place of worship in the church; the place of worship is the worshipper. We carry our place of worship wherever we go. The word church in Greek is ekklesia, which means “the called-out ones.” The church is a people bought with the precious blood; this is the church. If God’s children wish to walk in His way, they must ask God to open their eyes so that they may see that the church is spiritual, not material. (The Orthodoxy of the Church by Watchman Nee, Chapter 3)
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