Report on Rome Meeting Hall 罗马会所报道

Report on Rome Meeting Hall, 1 October 2016

Dear Brothers,

I am writing to give you an update on the Rome meeting hall. I am happy to report that the meeting hall should be completed in early December, which was always our completion goal. The remaining renovations should progress at a faster pace, as much of the infrastructure is complete, and we are transitioning to more cosmetic work.

We made a payment of 30,000 euro in August and we are making a payment this week in the amount of 20,000 euro. We agreed with the owner of the engineering firm that oversees the construction that we would make three more payments of 20,000 euro each at the end of October, November, and December (the last payment will be made after final inspection).

The Lord has met all our financial needs to this point, and we continue to look to the Lord for the remaining 60,000 euros per the payment schedule above. At this point the church in Rome does not have the funds for these payments, and if necessary we could stop the work at any point if we were not able to make a payment. However, we trust in the resurrected One to meet all our needs for this property, which is for His move in Rome, in Italy, and in Europe.

Those who are burdened to donate for this project can give through LME by visiting:

Please designate all gifts “Rome Meeting Hall”. In faith and love, J.H.
