Update on the Conference in Bellevue, WA 华盛顿州贝尔维尤特会简报

Conference in Bellevue, WA attended by more than 300 saints from Spokane, Eugene, Portland, Vancouver and Puget Sound area. General Subject: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the church

The church has been in this world for over nineteen centuries. On the day of Pentecost, three thousand were saved and baptized to begin the church life (Acts 2:41). They all received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Then they began to meet in their homes, and they were together to continue in the fellowship and the teaching of the apostles (v. 42). The teaching of the apostles is the Lord’s word. They continued day and night in two things—in the fellowship and in the teaching of the apostles. No doubt, they were very strict in keeping the word of God. (The Overcomers, by Witness Lee, Chapter 5)
-via Maxim Cucereavii
#localchurch, #churchlife

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/?fref=ts