Video Enjoyable Singing from the Saints in Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚圣徒们享受诗歌视频

Enjoyable singing from the saints in Ethiopia. “Jesus is getting us together, come and see the saints in one accord!” (2013)

The new man is not a new organization or a new “United Nations.” This new man is just Christ—Christ spreading and Christ enlarged. Colossians 3:11 says, “Where there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman, but Christ is all and in all.” All persons have no place in the new man; it is not another kind of United Nations. You have no place in the new man, and neither do I. We all have no place in the new man, but Christ is all and in all. (The One New Man, Chapter 3, by Witness Lee)
– via Tao Yang
#localchurch #churchlife
