Photos of the Lord’s Table Meeting in Holroyd District, Australia 澳大利亚好莱德区擘饼聚会图片

Australia – Lord’s Table at Holroyd District on 11/6/16

“The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the fellowship of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the fellowship of the body of Christ? Seeing that there is one bread, we who are many are one Body” (10:16-17). He then explains that to have fellowship in the Lord’s blood and the Lord’s body is to “partake of the Lord’s table” (v. 21). Since partaking of the Lord’s table is for us to share in His table, the focus in this aspect is not on remembering, receiving, and enjoying the Lord but on having fellowship with all the saints in the Lord. There are many things a Christian can do individually; he can pray, read the Bible, and even preach the gospel. But he cannot break the bread and drink the cup by himself at home. The reason for this is that the bread-breaking meeting has an aspect of eating the Lord’s supper to remember the Lord and an aspect of partaking of the Lord’s table with all the saints. The Lord’s table is for all the saints to partake of together. Having mutual fellowship with all the saints in the Body of Christ is not an individual matter. (Lessons for New Believers, Chapter 11)
– via Debbie Tay Geng Sin
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