Photos of English Bible Study Group in Taoyuan City, Taiwan ( 10/22/16 ) 台湾桃园市英文读经小组图片(二〇一六年十月22日)

Taoyuan District, Taiwan 10/22/16 – English Bible Study Group, every Saturday.
The church is the house of God, that is, the household of God, God’s family (Eph. 2:19). A local church is God’s “local family.” We have to raise up this family in the same way that we raise up our physical families. First, we must beget children. Second, we must feed these newborn babes in their homes. However, simply to have a family that is feeding babies is not the goal. That is the way, the procedure, to reach the goal. The goal is to raise up these little ones. Raising up children does not merely mean to feed them, but also to perfect them. (The Exercise and Practice of the God-Ordained Way, Chapter 23, by Witness Lee)
– via Wesley Lin
#localchurch #churchlife


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