Lord’s day meeting in Agbata, Togo, West Africa
As we prepare to establish the Lord’s table, we pray the saints stand one with us in prayers. – via Anny Eweka
No matter where we are, we have to gather together on the one unique ground of the church in order to keep the unity of the Body of Christ. It is only by taking the ground of unity that the oneness of the Spirit will be kept (Eph. 4:3), and it is only in this way that we will have a proper, genuine, local expression of the Body of Christ. (The Ground of the Church, Chapter 1, Section 1)
#localchurch #churchlife
(Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/photos/a.261678467187408.65049.152906548064601/1228784890476756/?type=3&theater)