二〇一六年尼泊尔青年训练特别报道(双语文本) Special Report on 2016 Young People’s Training in Nepal(Bilingual Texts)


金秋时节,雪山脚下,在尼泊尔最大的节日期间,众人忙于拜偶像之时,却有一班清心爱主的青年人乐意分别自己,向世人作相反的见证,登高山,看异象,接受属天的成全! 2016年10月1—6日,来自全国六个地方的30位青年人齐聚尼泊尔第二大城市博克拉,接受了为期六天的青年训练!其中有青职,有新人,也有一些来自其他团体寻求的信徒。在这次训练里,众人调在一起,同吃,同住,同操练,同受这份职事的成全!也借着丰富多彩的活动和户外相调彼此调在一起。


凭着主丰盛的恩典和服事者同心合意的配搭,此次训练不论是属灵造就,还是生活相调上,都满有主的同在和祝福!尤其在最后一天晚上,当我们唱“Would you choose to be a living overcomer?”这首英文诗歌的时候,圣灵十分自由地引导弟兄姊妹们,有更强的奉献与祷告,甚至有个别弟兄姊妹流泪奉献!大家也积极地分享这次训练的收获。有位过召会生活已久的姊妹激动地分享到,训练中很蒙光照,愿意奉献自己走神命定之路,每周分别专特时间传福音牧养人,为着基督身体的扩增;刚得救的新人都见证借着训练,在真理上很得开启,如:知道得救了,祷告的真实意义,基督的身位和工作,认识召会等;从其他团体来的弟兄姊妹们,也被我们中间丰富的真理,主观的享受和生机事奉的蓝图所征服,甚至有两个团体的领头弟兄表示愿意积极学习真理,紧紧跟随这份职事。更宝贵的是,训练末了,所有与训的青年人都甘心地将自己奉献给主,并且有20位青年人奉献参加两年的全时间训练!






Nepal Youth Training Special Report, 2016

During the largest festival in Nepal, throughout the whole country an idol-worshipping is going on, while a group of young people are willing to separate themselves against the world for the opposite testimony to receive the perfection by seeing the heavenly vision at the foot of the snow-capped mountain in the golden Autumn.

October 1-6, 2016, 30 young people gathered in Pokhara, Nepal’s second largest city, from six places to receive a six-day youth training! Among them, there are working saints, new believers, as well as some christians from the free groups. They are blended together to be perfected by this ministry through living, eating and practicing together as well as the outdoor touring and activities.

The content of this training covers three main lines, with three main burdens. The first is life lessons in the morning, of which the burden is to help brothers and sisters to be constituted by the truth, and to present the truth in a clear way; the second is the spiritual practice in the afternoon, such as calling on the name of the Lord, pray-reading the word of God, having the morning revival and pray, to help them live a God-man living. The third is to enable brothers and sisters to see the vision, understand the ministry, consecrate themselves to the Lord and to turn the age, with the help of multi-media, by fellowshipping on some special topics, such as the Bible, the history of the church, Brother Watchman Nee and Witness Lee’s ministry and God’s age-turners as well as the full-time training etc.

It is the Lord’s abundant grace and the one-accord coordination of the serving ones that the training is full of God’s presence and blessing, whether in the spiritual practice or daily living and blending. Especially on the last evening, when we sang the English hymn “Would you choose to be a living overcomer?”, the Holy Spirit was very free to guide all the brothers and sisters, with greater consecration and prayer, even some brothers and sisters consecrated themselves in tears. And after this training many brothers and sisters said they get great help in their spiritual life.

One sister who has been in the church life for long time, excitedly shared that she was touched and enlightened by the Lord that she is willing to consecrate herself for the God’s ordained way; every week she will spare the time for gospel preaching and shepherding for the increase of the body of Christ. Some new ones also testified that they got revelation in the truth, such as knowing that you are saved, the real significance of prayer, the person and work of Christ, knowing the church etc. Brothers and sisters from other groups also were amazed by the rich truths among us. They were attracted and touched by this cooperate subjective enjoyments, and also were conquered by the vision of organic service of this ministry. And even the leaders of two groups have expressed a willingness to take the initiative to learn the truth and to follow this ministry closely. Most preciously, at the end of the training, all the saints consecrated themselves to the Lord, of which there are 20 consecrated to join the full-time training in the coming years.

How much we praise the Lord, for His abundant grace and blessing. May through the intercession of the body, this group of young people consecrate themselves more thoroughly and be perfected more deeply. May the Lord remember them that they can become the means in Nepal and the stepping stone for the Lord to move on in this age.

Burden for Intercession:

  1. Pray for the brothers and sisters who are consecrated to the full-time training (especially the five brothers and sisters who will attend the training next year), may the Lord open the way for them to be perfected as the proper vessels in the Lord’s hand.
  2. Pray for the brothers and sisters’ daily living after training, such as Bible-reading, morning revival, preaching the gospel that they can continue to live a God-man living.
  3. Pray for the saints from Lakenath and Gandurk that these two free groups can closely follow this ministry. May the Lord establish the Lord’s table meeting in these two places soon.