Announcement of Annual International Conference in the Church of Antigua, WI 西印度群岛安提瓜岛召会年度国际特会通启

The church in All Saints, Antigua, WI – Annual International Conference, October 28-30, 2016

Dear Brothers & Sisters in the Lord:

We are happy to announce that our annual international conference will be held in Antigua, WI from October 28-30, 2016. We extend our invitation to all the brothers and sisters from many localities to come together for this rich time of fellowship and blending for the building up of the body of Christ. Two co-workers from the USA will be with us to release the high peak truth of the divine revelation of the Triune God during this time.

We thank the Lord for His Love and mercy in allowing us to participate in the building up of His body. Hallelujah! There is one body in the universe and we are part of it, we’re so happy that the Lord has made us one.

Saints we pray that many will be able to be with us and even if you cannot be with us, please pray that the Lord’s purpose for this conference will be accomplished.

In Christ,

The church in All Saints, Antigua, WI

