Photo of Full-time Trainees in Tokyo, Japan with Visiting Saints 日本东京全时间训练学员与来访圣徒们的合影

Tokyo, Japan – Full-time trainees with visiting saints – via Sandy Hong
So we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another. – Romans 12:5

If we go to visit another local church, do we consider ourselves as being one with the saints in that locality? We may unconsciously feel that we belong to the organization in our locality and that now we are guests in the church which we are visiting. Humanly speaking, the saints we are visiting are the hosts and we are their guests. But spiritually speaking, as Christians, believers in Christ, we are members of the one Body of Christ. If we go to visit the saints in London, are we merely a group of Americans in London? Humanly speaking, we are Americans in London. But in the Body of Christ there are no human members; there are only divine members. In the Body of Christ as a divine organism, we all are members in life. When we go to visit any local church, we should not consider that we are foreigners.(The Body of Christ, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee)
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