二〇一六年曼谷国际相调特会报道(双语文本) Report on 2016 International Blending Conference in Bangkok(Bilingual Texts)












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2016 International Blending Conference in Bangkok

2016 International Blending Conference in Bangkok was held on 12th to the morning of 14 th, August at the first meeting hall of the church of God in Bangkok. A total of 1,352 saints attended the conference. In addition to the 800 attending saints from Thailand, there were 525 saints from 8 different countries or regions such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Taiwan, Australia and United States, etc. Praise the Lord! All the saints closely follow the speaking of the Lord’s ministry of present age to enjoy the riches of Christ and the blending in the Body. The subject of this conference was: HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CRYSTALLIZATION-STUDY OF EXODUS (4).

A total of 12 messages were released in 9 sessions during the conference. The time was limited, but the brothers concisely and richly supplied us with the main points in every message. These 12 messages began by saying that we need to eliminate the idols (culture and tradition, etc.) within us so that our whole being may be renewed, and then we can know God and go outside the camp and enter within the veil to fellowship with Him face-to-face to receive God’s speaking and leading and enter practically into the building up of the church according to the pattern in the mountain, the heavenly vision of building. Meanwhile, we also see that our real problem is that we are short of gold. Therefore, we need more gold to overlay us that we may be built up with one another to be a dwelling place of God in spirit. Only when we are first “being built up” into a spiritual house, that is, we are living in a condition of being built up with the saints can we then do the building work. We see as well that we need to become pillars, Lord’s strong witnesses for the people to be brought into this building.

Concerning the point of how to know God, a brother also fellowshipped about our ways of knowing God: first, we need to read more of the Word of God and allow God’s word to pass through us subjectively and have ground in us; second, we need to touch the indwelling, pneumatic Christ in everything that we may not waste any environment given by God to be the one having a “story” with God within; third, in the church life, we need to live in the fellowship of the Body that we may be balanced and not deviated to know God’s will clearly.

After the message was released in each session, saints actively shared what they have enjoyed. A sister in Thailand testified that in the past, she was in the denomination, later, she contacted the Lord’s recovery and exulted with joy. However, it was hard for her to separate herself from that camp of religion and then she went back again. However, she testified that as long as she went back, she fell into darkness without enjoyment. After struggling for three months, she decided to return to the Lord’s recovery. As she came back to the Lord’s recovery, she felt clear, transparent and satisfied. Hallelujah, what a joy to go outside the camp of religion and enter within the veil (the church life with God’s presence)!

Besides the enjoyment of messages, there were some special fellowships as well. Brothers from Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia each shared with saints in the conference about the Lord’s move among the local churches in their own country as well as the relevant prayer requests. There were also Thai serving ones who labor on campus work fellowshipping about the five-year plan for the campus work in Thailand: in the upcoming five years, among the thirteen universities in Thailand, at least 20 college students will be gained in each university every year and 1300 college students will be gained in five years. There is a need of five families migrating near each university. A brother testified that he migrated for 12 times as he propagated in Thailand. The more he migrated, the more he was living, and the more he felt joyful. And he also encouraged saints to raise up to answer the call to devote themselves to the Lord’s move in Thailand and migrate near the university to open home to gain young people!

In addition, on the Lord’s day morning of 14th, before the messages in last session were released, we had the Lord ’s table meeting. Over 1,300 saints were from different countries with different languages and cultures, yet we testified that there is one Body in this universe, and we express it here on earth.

The Lord has always been blessing Thailand. Recent years have witnessed that the saints’ love and faith toward the Lord had increased, the spirit and the atmosphere of meetings had become stronger and stronger. All the saints had been in one accord to actively devote themselves to the church service. Especially before and during this conference, all the churches and saints in Thailand received the burden to pray for the conference in many ways and in each serving group, they labored diligently and coordinated in one accord, which manifested a beautiful picture of the service of all the members. May the Lord continue to strengthen all the churches in Thailand to receive grace and advance in the Body of Christ.

Prayer Burdens:

  1. May the Lord revive the campus work in Thailand in the midst of the years.
  2. 13 universities will be gained, 20 college students will be gained in each university every year, and a total of 260 Thai college students will be gained every year. From 2016 to 2020, a total of 1,300 Thai college students will be gained in five years.
  3. From 2016 to 2020 at least 100 Thai college students will attend the full-time training in Bangkok.
  4. At least 5 families will migrate near each university—opening homes to minister to the campus students.