Updating on the Church of Dusserdorf, Germany 德国杜塞尔多夫召会简报

In the last Lord’s day the meeting was held in the new meeting hall for the first time, with a total of 75 adults and 10 children, including 17 newly saved immigrants attending the meeting. This was a new beginning, a new landmark. Please pray:
1. For the shepherding and caring of new ones, including new immigrants and local students.
2. That the service and coordination in the church may not lose grace due to the handling of numerous things. Rather, all learn together to  depend on the Lord who imparts grace and the supply of the Body.
已過主日聚會第一次在新的會所,總共 75位大人及 10位兒童,包含17位新得救的移民。一個新的開始,新的里程碑。需要代禱如下:
1. 新人的牧養及照顧,包括新移民及當地學生。
2. 召會的事奉配搭,不因事多紛煩而失去恩典,反而眾人一同學習倚靠賜恩的主,並倚靠身體的供應。