Propagation Report of July, 2016 in Jaffna, Sri Lanka 二〇一六年七月份斯里兰卡贾夫纳开展报告


Luke 12:49  I have come to cast fire on the earth, and how I wish that it were already kindled!


This month we enjoyed the basis of our service-fire from the altar very much, in Luke12:49 the Lord said he came to cast fire on the earth, and how He wished that if it were already kindled. Praise the Lord, the Lord Jesus Himself is the consuming fire(Heb. 12:29), whoever touches Him shall be burnt, after His resurrection He became a life giving spirit, and this spirit is in our spirit, so today the fire from the heaven is in our spirit. What we should do is that we shall fan our spirit into flame by calling on His name (2 Tim. 1:6), we must open our mouth, open our heart and open our spirit, call upon the name of the Lord until we are burning in spirit, we can serve the Lord (Rom. 12:11).

This month we practiced to call on Lord’s name at least one time in every three mins, calling on Lord’s name is our spiritual breathing, we shall never stop it. Whoever calls on Lord’s name shall be saved and the Lord is rich to all who call upon Him, so many saints testified that how they were saved from different situation by calling on Lord’s name. One sister has 4 children, before they were always fighting one another, now after practicing calling on Lord’s name, now they became very friendly, so this sister was very happy that the Lord is taking care her children much better than her.

Church life:

Every Thursday evening we had life-study meeting, and now we had enjoyed 7 life-study messages of John, praise the Lord, Christ is life, the Church is building, how much we need life for the building, and the principle of life is to change death into life, the purpose of life is for the building of God’s house. We all enjoyed only life can mend all the holes in Church life, and only life can build us into oneness, now we have about 18 saints coming for the enjoyment, may the Lord release more saints and seeking ones.


This month one brother from Jaffna campus and another 6 youth from other locality went to Taiwan for the ICT and blending trip, after they came back, everyone was burning in the spirit, they were touched by the message, the oneness, and calling on Lord’s name with so many young ones, and also they were very touched by the saints love there. After they came back, they took up the burden for the youth in Srilanka, may the Lord raise up more young people in Jaffna campus and other campuses.

May the fire continue to burn these young ones, and burn strongly in the campus, gain more young people for His economy.

Prayer Request:

  1. Pray for the National Young People training from 9-13 August, may the fire from the altar burn all these 50 young ones.
  2. Pray for the practice of calling of Lord’s name so that everyone can live a healthy Christian life.
  3. Pray for the National Blending conference on 26-28 Aug, may the Lord release 350 saints from all the churches in Srilanka.
  4. Pray for the life study meeting, may the Lord release more new ones and seeking ones for the enjoyment.

Much grace be with you

Serving ones


Life-study meeting.


Life-study meeting


Home meeting


7 Youth in Taiwan