Summer College Training 2016 – Olympia, WA 二〇一六年华盛顿州奥林匹亚大专暑期训练


Praise the Lord for another College Training! Last summer we experienced the Lord’s poured out blessing in Urbana-Champaign where the Lord gathered 1,700 students and serving ones! What an amazing and impactful experience that was! This summer we are back to the regional College Trainings and now there are five! This week, there are trainings going on in Southern California at Oak Glen and in the Northwest in Olympia, WA. In the following week there will be trainings in the Midwest (Urbana-Champaign), the Southwest (Athens, GA), and there will be a new College Training in the Northeast (in Amherst, MA). In this report we will give you a little snapshot of what is going on in the first-ever Northwest College Training in Olympia, WA.

We are currently beginning our third day of training, and we have already experienced much blessing. There are approximately 160 students and serving ones here and we feel like the atmosphere has been really enjoyable and sweet so far. We are on a college campus called Evergreen State College, which has a very pleasant campus. The campus includes 1,000 acres of forest and many beautiful hiking trails. It makes it feel more like a retreat center than a campus. The speaking and the exercise of the spirit has been very solid and the students and serving ones have a hunger for the Lord and for His move in this training. We had an excellent message last night titled The Economy of God to Head Up All Things in Christ through the Church, which is the evening line of fellowship, the focus and heart of all the sharing this week. Lord, may You continue to reveal this mystery to us and pour out Your blessing on this training and on all of the College Trainings!

We feel very supplied and strengthened by all of your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for the release of His Word, for a high atmosphere of pursuing Him, for the building up the all the trainees here and that there would be no practical problems here in our first training in Olympia. Lord we are expecting your blessing on all the trainings! Praise Him for the College Training!

Here are some quotes from students:

Awesome! Refreshing! Reminding you that you have a spirit!

The church isn’t an outward building, it’s in my spirit!

We need to learn to spend time in our inner man! That is what it means to be in the church.

I enjoyed from the message last night that our God is a God of Resurrection! He is going to take man as a heap of collapse and make it the beautiful, builded, life-filled church and Bride. Praise the lord!

The atmosphere is so refreshing and the saints are so released! I enjoyed hearing that the church is in our Spirit! We build up the church by experiencing Christ in our spirit!

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