二〇一六年台湾壮年班访问美国东部—富兰克林召会 2016 FTTMT Trainees Visiting Eastern Part of the United States —the Church in Franklin 已发表 2016-07-03 一場極其令人感動的聚集,滿了詩歌聲與眾聖徒的禱告奉獻,榮耀中也滿帶著淚水 (Source: https://www.facebook.com/evayencheng/media_set?set=a.10209878806953398.1073742161.1430167994&type=3)
已发表 2016-07-20 Brief Introduction of the Campus Work for the Church in Kuching, Malaysia—YouTube 马来西亚古晋召会校园工作简介 Brief Introduction of […]
已发表 2017-02-19 福音生活,繁增祝福 | 台北市召会 Living a Life of Preaching the Gospel Issuing In the Blessing of Increase | The Church in Taipei City 三十一會所自去年下半年以來,實行開家開排、小 […]