First Lord’s Table in Kennesaw, Georgia Will Be Held on June 26, 2016 乔治亚州肯纳索首次擘饼聚会将于二〇一六年六月26日进行

INVITATION: Here is the Invitation Letter to attend the 1st Lord’s Table meeting in Kennesaw, Georgia. Hallelujah for the Body!

Dear Saints,

We are happy to invite you to join us for the first Lord’s Table in Kennesaw, Georgia, on June 26, 2016!  The meeting will be held at Kennesaw State University (address and directions are attached). The Lord’s Table will begin at 10:00 a.m. and the meeting will conclude at 12:00 p.m. following a ministry meeting.

The following is important, time sensitive information regarding this time:

  • The meeting room holds a maximum of 350 people.  To help us prepare, it is critical that we are made aware of the number of saints planning to attend and the number/ages of children.

We ask each household to respond by June 12th and use the following link to provide the requested information if you plan to attend:

  • We are planning on providing childcare but the details and logistics will depend on the number of children in attendance.  There will be follow-up communication regarding the arrangements for the children.  There will not be a separate Jr High and High School meeting so the young people should plan to be in the meeting.
  • There will not be a corporate meal provided after the meeting but we encourage the saints to fellowship over lunch at the numerous restaurants in the area.  A list will be provided after the meeting.

We thank the Lord for the spread and increase of the churches and expect that the church in Kennesaw will be for the building up of the Body of Christ.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact one of the following brothers:

Dave Lutz            Norman Black             Ted Williamson

To download the letter in PDF, click here.

To download the directions & map, click here.
