The Situation in PNG from March to June, 2016 (Bilingual Texts) 二〇一六年三月至六月巴布亚新几内亚情形(双语文本)

Dear Saints,

Rejoice in the Lord. This is the update situation in PNG. Please continually pray for us.
Outward situation: 
At the end of March, there was a car accident between our gospel car and a local bus. But the Lord preserved us, so nobody was injured, but our car was totally damaged. Therefore, our gospel activities and visitations were being limited. Through the fellowship with the local brothers, they felt that we should stop going out for a short period of time and focus on preaching the gospel in our community. After that, we stopped the gospel activities at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG).
In the beginning of April, the dengue fever and malaria outbreaks and it caused the hospitals overcrowded. Four saints among us also got dengue fever. Even more and more people got dengue in our community. At the same time, looting cases became frequent because of the deteriorating economy in this year. In the middle of April, two tribes clashed because of the matter of bus, which caused traffic gridlock throughout the city.
In early May, the protest caused by the UPNG student extended to other cities. UPNG students protest against government corruption and requested the Prime Minister to step down or surrender himself to the police. Furthermore, the protest triggered looting shops, deteriorating of social security, strike and schools closed. Eventually, the police stationed in UPNG to maintain the social security. After a few days, several major universities announced the closure of the campus, canceled the semester and required students to leave the campus.
In early June, some colleges reopened. But the UPNG students stayed on the protest, and clashed with police. Eventually, the police opened fire to the people, which resulting in bloodshed. Now the situation is more chaotic.
Gospel activities in the community:
Praise the Lord, in the recent rapid changes of the outside situation, we have been preserved from that chaos and stayed in the presence of the Lord. Behind that, the Lord opened the door of the gospel in our community.
In mid-April, in our community, Glory Garden, we contacted a lot of young people who are open. Sometimes we would invite them to the meeting hall for the activities.
In May, we invited our neighbor John and his families to join our love feast and had a sweet fellowship with them. Sometimes we go to the house of sister Hetty for the hymn singing. Eventually, this whole family joined our meeting on the Lord’s day. At the same time, we have recovered the meeting in Sister Jemmie’s house to pursue New Believer’s series together.
Serving of the Young People (YP):
In April, with the lord’s blessing, we began the YP meeting. From every Friday night until Lord’s day morning, the YP came together to have the corporate living in the meeting hall, to practice the God-man living. On Saturday, we have morning revival together, enjoy the hymn singing, calling upon the name of the Lord, reading the Bible and praying. On the Lord’s day, the YP joined the services and sometime spoke for the Lord in the meeting. Through the corporate living, young people learn to cook together, do the cleaning, weeding. They are very joyful in such a living. Sometimes YP performs according to the Bible drama.
In May, several YP who are from our community also joined our activities together. We play games and learn together. By pursuing the message, they recite verses and dictation. They even share their enjoyment and exhibited the hymn on the Lord’s day.
May the saints continually pray for the Lord’s move in PNG:
1.   May the Lord preserve the outward security environment and the saints’ going out with the Lord’s presence.
2.   May the Lord cause the people’s heart to be open and gain the seeking household for His testimony.
3.   May the Lord gain more YP and preserve them in the church life.
Port Moresby, PNG

  Home Meeting

Young people cook

Young People Cooking

Young people learn guitar

Young People Learning to Play Guitar

Young people play game

Young People Playing Game









四月中,在我们所在的小区Glory Garden,我们接触到当地的青年人,借此,我们与当地人有了更多的接触,经常邀请当地的青年人到会所与我们一同活动。






1.    求主纪念PNG的外在治安环境,保守圣徒的出入,能够有主的同在。

2.      求主使人的心敞开,得着当地有寻求的家,为着主在这里的见证。

3.      求主得着当地的青少年,能够蒙保守在召会生活中。
