Report of Inland Churches Gospel Perfecting Meeting 内陆众召会福音成全聚会报道

Inland Churches Gospel Perfecting Meeting
Date: Saturday June 4, 2016
Time: 4:00-8:30pm
Location: The Church in Riverside Meeting Hall

Praise the Lord for the gospel! Since the 2016 International Chinese Speaking Conference (ICSC) and especially after the Southern California Blending Conference on April 30 – May 1, the burden for the gospel and increase for all churches is very clear. To carry out this burden of having 15% increase for the churches in Southern California this year, all the saints were commissioned to be laboring priests of the gospel.

In order to enter into the burden of the gospel and gaining the increase, 224 saints from 9 churches in the Inland area registered for this perfecting meeting. This meeting was a gospel workshop on how to share the gospel. The majority of workshop was conducted in three languages and groups – English, Chinese and Spanish. During this gospel workshop, the saints received some practical help on how to contact people using gospel tracts. Some practical items that were fellowshipped were – the importance of prayer, being filled with the Spirit and the word, going out in two’s and three’s, getting contact information, etc. Sufficient time was also given to the saints to practice sharing the gospel tracts with one another.

The following gospel tracts were used during the workshop – “The Mystery of Human Life”; “Is Jesus in Your Boat?”; “One-minute Gospel” and “The Bible – A Romance of a Universal Couple”. These tracts were made available in English, Chinese and Spanish. The saints were also shown various websites where they can access some of these gospel tracts for downloading, reproducing and distribution – all free of charge. This gospel workshop also provided an opportunity for the saints to know how to use different tracts to gain different people. For example, some gospel contacts may not have a lot of time. For these ones, there is a need to learn how to share the gospel in one-minute. In addition, when talking to other Christians, the saints were encouraged to use “The Bible-A Romance of a Universal Couple”. This tract clearly shows (with verses) from the Old Testament to the New Testament the thought of the Bible being a Romance. Most Christians have never heard of the Bible being a Romance and they will receive this truth well when it is presented with Bible verses. When going out for the gospel, the saints were also shown how to use an animated version of the Mystery of Human Life (for viewing on smart phones). In addition, the saints saw that there were various gospel videos on YouTube, Bibles for America and other websites that could be used to shepherd others via email, text messaging or other social media platforms.

During the last 30 minutes of the workshop, all the language groups gathered together for a time of corporate fellowship and encouragement. One small group testified that in a span of a few weeks, they baptized 5 new ones. Another locality shared that they will set aside one hour for the gospel each Lord’s day morning for gospel visitation. We thank the Lord that we can all be perfected regarding the preaching of the gospel. May we all be encouraged to function as laboring priests of the gospel so that the Lord can gain the increase that He desires.

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