Young People Singing Song in Bandung, Indonesia—YouTube 印尼万隆青少年唱诗

Lord Jesus as I begin this new day
I want to let You know I still love You.
Lord how I thank You for this love, You’ve put in me,
That keeps my heart before You fresh and new.
What mercy ’tis, I can now experience,
Redemption bought by your own blood, Your precious blood.
As I am in fellowship, Your life anointing me,
Sealing Yourself in me and pledging all You are. Loving You more!

Lord, today I ask You’d not let me win.
Conquer, defeat me, only have Your way.
Make me Your captive, so it’s no more I who live,
But You live in me, through me all this day.
I pray You’d grant me this day growth in life.
As I now turn my heart to You, turning in full,
Beholding, reflecting You from glory to glory.
Throughout this day renew and transform all my soul. Expressing You!

Dear Lord, burden me for Your dear Body.
You are the treasure in each member’s heart.
I’d cherish, nourish each one with Your life divine,
To cause the growth in measure of each part.
Now I’d participate in, experience,
Enjoy, posses the Triune God, posses in full.
Enjoy Your love and Your grace, intimate fellowship.
Build Your Body and consummate Your glorious bride. Marrying You!

Lord, I know all things will work together,
For good to me because I do love You.
According to Your purpose that You have called me.
Today I’d keep Your purpose full in view.
In everything I give You thanks, dear Lord.
This is the perfect will of God concerning me.
Throughout this day remind me, You’re the Head, Lord of all!
Your hand directing everything, Lord, let me see! Keep me in You!

And my final prayer is come, Lord Jesus!
Do not delay, but dear Lord, quickly come.
Now I might in every aspect, living out You,
Express You fully, hasten Your return.
Before this day ends, I hope to see You,
No shadow in between, but see You face to face.
Now with transfigured body, bring me into sonship.
Your glory through this corp’rate God-man fully seen. For Your return.
