Report of Frankfurt Conference from a Brother in Germany 来自德国一位弟兄法兰克福特会报道

Saints, the Frankfurt conference concluded on Monday early afternoon; the 5 messages are same from the CNY conf which is titled the “Gospel”. But although it is a repeat from Anaheim, it is very significant and very appropriate for the Lord’s move in Europe,particularly in Germany, as the gospel needs to be correctly understood, practiced amongst the saints, and preached to the non-believers.

The official number is 685 adults, with 60 children. But this was glorious with so many visitors from various localities; besides from all over Germany, we had visitors from Swiss, Austria, Nordic countries, UK, Italy, and Spain, and rest of the world including China and Korea.

Finally, the last person to stand in front of mic was an Iranian young man (22 yrs old), and his testimony was moving: he said “I lied to the authorities that I was persecuted because I am a Christian, so I can leave Iran and come to Germany. So for 3 months I was pretending to go to church meetings in Germany and tried to look for mistakes in the Bible and tried to tease the Christians. But when I started to read the Bible, I discovered that there is nothing I can find that are wrong, and I started to be captivated by Christ and what He said in the Bible. I started to believe the Bible, and especially the family who opened their home I could see Christ in them. Now I see God as graciously saved me. I can now call Jesus my Lord!” And he wanted to be baptized right away, so we had arranged the baptism at the conclusion of the conference, including 5 others.

What a glorious moment, and enemy has been utterly shamed and defeated!


From Germany, B,Chung
