Please Pray for Visayas Churches Fellowship in Dumaguete City, Philippines 请为菲律宾朗芒芽地市米沙鄢群岛众召会交通代祷

Dear saints, let’s be one with the ascended, interceding One in our prayer for the carrying out of His will:
VISAYAS CHURCHES FELLOWSHIP, Silliman Hall, Dumaguete City, Philippines, May 19-20, 2016.
~~PRAY that this time will be under the abundant blessing of the Lord’s presence and speaking that the Lord’s burden will be fully released and imparted into all the saints.
~~ PRAY that this time will be a strengthening of the one accord among the churches and that the Lord would gain more ground, that every local church would advance in the Lord’s present move for His spread on this earth and the building up of His Body.
~~PRAY for the Lord’s covering over all the travel and all the practical details of this God-arranged time, that there would be a rich and unhindered fellowship and blending among the saints.
