The Follow-up Report of 2106 Spring ITERO 〇一六年春季国际同工及负责弟兄特会后续报道

Praise the Lord for the second day and the third day of the 2016 spring international training for elders and responsible ones (ITERO), held April 8-10 in Anaheim, California.


Messages 4-8 may be summarized as follows:
MESSAGE FOUR enlightens us that the source of our service should be God, it should be the spirit, it should be God’s operation in us, and it should be the operation, direction, and leading of the Spirit of God in our spirit; only the service that comes out of these things is the service that is from God.

MESSAGE FIVE shows that the highest morality is one in which divinity is added to our humanity; this is the divine attributes of God expressed in the created virtues of man. Christ should be our humanity, and to be found in Christ refers to our humanity. By exercising our spirit to touch the Spirit consolidated in the Word, we eat the human life and living of Jesus.

MESSAGE SIX reminds us that those who experience the fire from the altar build with gold, silver, and precious stones. Such a work is full of the element of God, has the power of the cross, and expresses God. The day will come when the work of each will be tested by fire; if our work is the issue of fire, our work will stand the test of fire.

MESSAGE SEVEN reveals that only the prayers that are initiated by God and echo what He has initiated have any spiritual value, and we have to pray according to God’s desire and His will for the fulfillment of His economy; then we have the assurance that we we have received what we have prayed for.

MESSAGE EIGHT ministers us with a deep impression that as believers in Christ and children of God, we not only have eternal life and may experience eternal life, but we can minister this life to other members of the Body of Christ. The service for the building up of the house of God is a life-ministering service—a service of supplying others with the divine life.

“Lord, I treasure the sweet flow of life,
And my soul-life at last I lay down;
O Lord, deepen the pure flow of life;
At Your coming may life be my crown.” (chorus, Hymns, #1191)
– via Mike Lee

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