Current Prayer Burdens Related to Europe 欧洲当前祷告负担

Burdens related to Europe (week of 10 April 2016)

1) Brief update concerning Europe(Click to see the attachment)  

At the spring 2016 International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) in Anaheim, a brief update was made available to all the brothers who attended. A slightly revised version of this update is attached. Included in this update is fellowship regarding the purchase of a farm adjacent to Bower House in London and a proposal to add new facilities to Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp to meet the present need and provide for the future expansion of the Lord’s move in Europe. Information is provided on how to give to the UK building fund.

2) Conference in Paris, France (16-17 April)

3) European Brothers’ Training (22-24 April)

Brothers from throughout Europe will gather to review the messages from the spring 2016 ITERO.

4) Follow-up Gospel trips to Germany (continuing through June)

Regular reports and updates can be found at

Please pray:

• For the strengthening of the local saints’ homes and the linking of the gospel contacts to the homes.

• For the acquiring of facilities, by renting or purchase, for the sake of coordination and gospel meetings.

• For all those who are migrating to Germany and that this flow of migration will continue for the strengthening of the churches and for the bearing of remaining fruit among the local Germans and the refugees.

5) Mass distribution of gospel and ministry materials (31 March—5 July)

Another series of mass distribution trips is planned from March 31 through July 5. The distribution teams are made up of saints primarily from Europe, Taiwan, Russia, and the US.

Please pray for:

• The blending of the saints who serve on the teams

• The Lord’s leading the teams to find the most effective ways to distribute in different situations

• The openness of the refugees to the word of God and the Lord’s appearing to them as they read it

6) Giving to support the gospel work in Europe

Those who are burdened to give in support of the gospel work in Europe can download instructions at Click on the link “How to Give.”

7) Seminars in three cities in Romania

Please pray for the ongoing seminars in Bucharest, Resita, and Deva-Hunedoara to contact the readers of the ministry, and pray for the organic increase of the churches through these seminars.

8) Continuing distribution of ministry publications and shepherding of seeking ones

Please pray:

• For the radio broadcasts in the UK, Sweden, and Spain and the continuing distribution of the New Testament Recovery Version and other free ministry publications in all the European languages.

• For the shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.

9) The raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal; Krakow, Poland; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki, Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade, Serbia; Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich, Germany; and Tirana, Albania.

Burdens related to Israel

To receive prayer requests for Israel, please write to and ask the brothers to add you to the mailing list. Please include your name and locality.
