尼泊爾二〇一六年二月29至三月13日加強開展 (双语文本) 29/2-13/3, 2016 Intensified Propagation in Nepal(Bilingual Texts)








1.   記念牧養的工作,使帶得救的新人都能留在召會生活中,成為常存的果子。
2.   3/27-5/1臺灣學員來加強開展Kathmandu與Lalitpur,能得著許多尋求者跟敞開的家,加強主在尼泊爾的見證。


Intensified Propagation in Nepal

This year from 29th Feb. to 13th March, there were 10 trainees from FTT-TK to Nepal for propagation. It is the first time that Japanese trainees went to overseas propagation. Before they coming, we hope the propagation this time can bring in two aspects of blessing. In one aspect, this propagation can intensify the spreading of the gospel in Nepal and the testimony of the churches. In another aspect, Japanese trainees can be enlarged their will and measure to serve the Lord through coordinated with Indian trainees and local saints.

We propagated in Kathmandu and Lalitpur these two nearby cities. We divided three teams to propagate in three different areas. Because of language problem and new environment, Japanese trainees need to adapt. Some got sick also. But the Spirit of the Lord and our prayer blend us to become one. We breakthrough outwardly limitation and bring in His blessing.

In the first week, we went for door-knocking. Although we mat some open families, we need to spend time to shepherd them. We cannot baptize them immediately. There was only sister who is under our shepherding got baptized. In the second week, we spend more time to contact people on the streets. We mat the sons of peace in all three propagating areas. We brought 8 new ones to be baptized. One of them was shepherd by one American brother for two to three years. This American brother went back to U.S. later and no one shepherded him continually. This time we mat on the street. He said it is Lord’s leading. He got baptized in the same day. Another two girls studied in a Christian school in India before. They received the Lord at that time. They changed their name (Nepali people use to give the name from idol’s name). Our sisters invited them to the training center to enjoy the Lord. After simple sharing, both of them are willing to be baptized. Another student read the Bible by himself for several months. Brothers mat him and shared the gospel to him. He received the Lord immediately. He came to the training center to be baptized after few days.

After two weeks propagation, Japanese trainees shared that they didn’t know why God brought them to Nepal in the beginning. They cannot speak Nepali. Some of them cannot go to propagate because of illness. But they said they learned many lessons during these two weeks. Some saw that himself were not desperate in propagation. Some saw the value of the full-time training. Some have more burden in the soul of man. We have to not only pray for Japanese, but also pray for the Lord’s need in whole world.

Although we only bore 9 fruits these two weeks, all of them are under our shepherding now. Five of them attended the Lord’s Table meeting and shared their testimony. All the saints were encouraged by their sharing. Hope the Lord strengthen His work in Nepal continually. Cause His Golden Lampstands in Nepal to shine brighter and brighter!

Please pray for Nepal:

1.    Remember the shepherding work. Cause all the new ones entering into the church life and becoming the remaining fruits.
2.    FTTT trainees come to Nepal for intensified propagation on 3/27 – 5/1. We can gain more seeking ones and open families to strengthen the Lord’s testimony in Nepal.