Brief Update of Germany 德国近况简报

Germany update – 3/21/16

We had a marvelous time with a refugee woman. After the opening of her story we began to discuss her background. She, like many young people said, “I believe that all religions have some good and that we need to have an open mind.” What a realm to start in. We three began to address this by the word of God. I used the three circles and the three kinds of life. And I also used a piece of paper and drew a line down the middle. On one side was the tree of life, and on the other the other tree. It was so clear when I began to ask her where “things” belong. So where does religion belong, so what side is behavior on, and what about philosophy, where does that go? On we went and when we got to the end there was no more space on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil side, I asked her what belongs on the tree of life side? And she knew, “it is just God on that side” So we were able to so easily separate ourselves and put a lot of distance between us, our purpose, and what she knows of religion. And there IS a lot of distance between these two! God’s word, and particularly the words of the Lord Jesus do so much, to do all the work in our being. It was a real experience of witnessing faith being given to someone through the hearing of the word of God.
So as we were sensing the ripeness, one of the sisters was able to lead her into a simple and sweet prayer of salvation. And she said “believing is in my heart, not just in my words”. How sweet her clear realization. And then she prayed for her family to be saved also. Her countenance was uplifted and her face was shining. What an amazing experience! Oh Lord Jesus! what a Wonderful Savior!