Inland Churches Perfecting Meeting for Prophesying (Bilingual Texts) 内陆众召会申言成全聚会 (双语文本)

Inland Churches Perfecting Meeting for Prophesying

Content: Crystallization-Study Outlines Exodus (3)
Dates: Morning session, Wednesday morning; Evening session, Thursday evening from March 9 for six weeks.
Spiritual Burden:
“Those who have a burden to improve the prophesying in the church meetings must bear the burden and get others to work with them. They must study and learn the secrets. Then with what they have learned they should instruct others. They also need to pray concerning whom they should go to and fellowship with concerning prophesying. During their fellowship with others they should pass on to them their own experience. They should teach others face to face, allowing them to practice and correcting them so that they can improve. In this way our prophesying meetings will be very much uplifted. Those who are burdened for the prophesying can gather a number of brothers and sisters and come together each week to investigate how to improve the prophesying and how to teach others to prophesy. This is worthwhile.” (The Practice of the Church Life According to the God-Ordained Way, Chapter 12)
This was the first kind of this meeting for the churches in the Inland Area. The first session took place on Wednesday morning March 9, 2016. 50 plus English, Spanish & Chinese Speaking saints came. The evening session, was held the next day on Thursday. 80 plus English and Spanish speaking saints came for this session. Each session began with hymn singing, pray-reading and then breaking up into language groups. In the grouping time, besides the opening & concluding word, a workshop group on “how to compose a 3 minute prophesy”, like preparing “CHICKEN NUGGETS”; and a workshop group on how to PSRP the outline with key verses, like baking a “ROTISSERIE CHICKEN.” Finally, in the last 30 minutes of the prophesying workshop, the saints came together for corporate exhibition and encouragement.
During the corporate exhibition, many saints shared what they had composed during the workshop for mutual encouragement. A new one’s sharing was exercised and rich in content. This workshop was worthwhile and through the saints endeavoring to learn how to prophesy in the next five weeks, the prophesying meetings in the churches will be very much uplifted.
Pursue love, and desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy – 1 Cor. 14:1
For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged – 1 Cor. 14:31



日期:早间班,星期三上午;晚间班,周四晚上 (从三月9日开始,持续六周)





林前十四 1    你们要追求爱,更要切慕属灵的恩赐,尤其要切慕申言。

林前十四 31     因为你们都能一个一个的申言,为要使众人有学习,使众人得勉励。

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(Source: Church News 召會通問‘s Facebook )