Praise the Lord for Myanmar (Bilingual Text) 为着缅甸赞美主(双语文本)

Dear Saints,
Praise the Lord for Myanmar and more pray for the Lord’s Move in Myanmar. Because one man who is Christian has going to become Vice President in Myanmar.

Here is the News:
“”””””On Thursday morning, ethnic Burman-Mon Htin Kyaw and ethnic Chin Henry Van Thio were revealed as the NLD’s nominees for the presidency. The two men will be put to a vote in the Union Parliament, along with a nominee from the military, who has not yet been named. The winner will become Burma’s president and the other two will be the vice presidents.

“I am happy and grateful that they nominated an ethnic Chin for the presidency,” said Paw Lian Lwin, former Upper House lawmaker from the Chin National Democratic Party (CNDP).””””””

Ethnic Chin “Henry Van Thio” is a Christian and he is from Htantalang Township not very far from Chin State, Matupi Township where there is the church in Matupi.

Praise the Lord for the Lord’s Move in Myanmar and please continue to pay for Myamar.





本周四上午(2016年3月10日),缅族人Mon Htin Kyaw 和钦族人 Henry Van Thio被推举为全国民主联盟的总统候选人。 这两位候选人将与军方候选人(名字尚未得知)一起在缅甸联邦议会进行投票。胜出者将成为缅甸总统,而另外两位将成为副总统。

“我很高兴,也很感激他们提名钦族人参选总统,” 一位来自钦族民族民主党(CNDP)的前任上院议员Paw Lian Lwin说到。

钦族人Henry Van Thio 是一位基督徒,来自Htantalang 镇,离钦邦有召会的Matupi 镇不远。

