Southern California Leading Brothers‘ Meeting (Bilingual Texts) 南加州带领弟兄聚会(双语文本)

Southern California Leading Brothers Meeting
Saturday March 5, 2016
Topic: Gospel,Gospel,Gospel,Gospel!

This time of fellowship was regarding the practical working out of the burden for the gospel that was recently released at the 2016 International Chinese-Speaking Conference on February 12-14. The co-workers realized that in order to make substantial progress in the matter of the gospel, there is a need to bring all of the leading and responsible brothers in the churches in Southern California together into this burden.

The burden of the gospel has been with the co-workers many years. This was the first meeting to fellowship about the burden of the gospel and how to carry it out. The brothers shared on four main points regarding the gospel. 1) The Burden for Increase 2) A Normal Rate of Growth 3) The Need for Planning and Statistics 4) The Pattern of the Leading Ones

In the words of our Brother Lee:
Matthew 24:14 says, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” This means that we must do everything we can today to spread the gospel. We should spend every cent and every drop of our sweat, tears, and blood on the gospel. Only this will satisfy the Lord…. Are we sitting still, not willing to be on fire for the gospel? If we are, how can we give an account to the Lord? I believe one day, when we stand before the judgment seat of the Lord, He will ask… “What was your attitude toward My gospel?” He will tell us that He was not a hard Master, that He had given us a talent. But how did we use it, and how much did we use it? How many people did we bring to the Lord? How many people did we nourish and care for? How many people did we teach? In the future we will need to answer these questions one by one.

The brothers were encouraged to consider the matter of increase in their own localities. Five practical points on how carry out this burden were shared.
1. Pray: All the brothers were encouraged to go back and pray. Prayer works and prayer honors the Lord.
2. Plan: Not for the sake of gathering numbers, but so that know our real situation. Numbers do not lie.
3. Promote: Not in the way of marketing, but in the way of thorough fellowship with the saints.
4. Practice: We need to be faithful to practice what has been presented in the ministry.
5. Persevere: Look for long-term results and give up hope of quick results.





多年以来,同工们一直有福音的负担。但是交通关于福音的负担并如何实行此负担的聚会,还是头一次。关于福音,弟兄们分享了四个主要的点:1) 扩增的负担 2) 正常增长率 3) 需要有计划及数据统计 4) 带领者的榜样

李弟兄说道:“马太二十四章十四节说,‘这国度的福音要传遍天下,对万民作见证,然后末期才来到。’这意思是,无论如何,今天我们都该传福音。我们的每一分钱、每一滴汗,甚至每一滴泪、每一滴血,为着福音都应该。这样,我们才对得起主….我们还能安静不动,不火热传福音么?若是这样,我们怎么向主交账?我相信有一天,当我们站在主的审判台前时,主会问我们:….你对我的福音是什么态度?主会说,祂不是忍心的主,至少都给了我们一千两,我们是怎么用的?用多少?带几个人得救?喂养、照顾了多少人?教导多少人?将来我们都得一一回答。”(划时代的带领—新路实行的异象与具体步骤, 第三篇)


  1. 祷告:所有的弟兄们都受鼓励,回去祷告。祷告(神)作工,祷告尊重主。
  2. 计划:不是为了收集数字,而是要了解我们真实的情形。数字不骗人。
  3. 推广:不是用市场营销的方法,而是彻底地与圣徒们有交通。
  4. 实行:我们需要忠信地实行这份职事所呈现出来的。
  5. 坚定持续:着眼长远果效,放弃急于求成的期望。

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(Source: Church News 召會通問‘s Facebook)